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7 Must-Have Equipment before Hiring a Virtual Fitness Trainer
December 11, 2022 at 4:00 PM
dumbbells, shoes, gloves, and other fitness equipment

At a time when people are choosing to stay indoors more, hiring a virtual fitness trainer can be the most effective way to achieve your health and wellness goals. Whether you're looking for the motivation of a personal trainer or the convenience of working out from home, having one can help you stay on track. But before you jump into virtual workouts, you'll need essential equipment to make the most out of your sessions.

This article will cover the essential items you should have before enlisting the services of a virtual fitness trainer. With these tools, you can get in shape, learn skills and challenge yourself to reach your goals without leaving home.

1. Device with a Stable Internet Connection

At a minimum, you'll need a device with a reliable internet connection, such as a laptop or a tablet. This ensures that your sessions with your virtual trainer run smoothly and without any hiccups. You don't need an ultra-fast connection, but it should be strong enough for video streaming. If not, then it may be worth upgrading your plan.

2. Working Webcam and Microphone

If you want video calls with your virtual trainer, a functional webcam and microphone will come in handy, allowing your virtual fitness trainer to give you real-time feedback on form and offer additional encouragement during the session. It doesn't have to be fancy; most laptop cameras are sufficient for these calls. And try to get headphones with a built-in mic or invest in an external mic to hear your instructions clearly without any background noise interference.

3. Yoga Mat

A yoga mat is invaluable when working out with a virtual trainer—especially if you plan on doing any floor exercises or stretching routines. Look for something non-slip and comfortable enough so that it won't distract from your workouts. If possible, find something padded, as this will offer extra cushioning and reduce joint pain during more vigorous exercises like burpees or jumping jacks.

4. Weights and Resistance Bands

Some weights or resistance bands are essential for any strength training. Start small and purchase items that you can comfortably handle. If you need clarification on which size of weights would be best for you, consult your virtual trainer for advice. Additionally, consider investing in adjustable dumbbells to increase your weights as your strength increases over time.

5. Foam Roller

Add a foam roller to the list if you want to take your virtual fitness training up a notch. It is versatile and can improve balance and flexibility to soothe tense muscles after a workout. Foam rollers help reduce inflammation and soreness by targeting specific areas that need relief, such as the lower back, legs, glutes, calves, etc. Plus, they're relatively inexpensive and require very little space.

6. Jump Rope

Cardio is typically an integral part of most fitness programs. Rather than running outside, consider purchasing a jump rope to get your heart rate up and burn fat. It helps you stay on track with your virtual training program and is also an effective way to improve agility, coordination, and balance.

7. Heart Rate Monitor

A heart rate monitor is an excellent tool to help keep track of how hard you're working out and ensure you stay within your limits when exercising with a virtual fitness trainer. This device measures your resting heart rate and maximum heart rate during exercise sessions to know when it's time to slow down or speed up the intensity of your workouts accordingly.

Get in touch with Paru Fitness in Las Vegas today!

With the right equipment and dedication, virtual fitness training can be just as effective in reaching your health and wellness goals as working out in the gym. And with the help of a virtual trainer, you'll be able to access personalized sessions tailored to meet your individual needs at home.

Are you looking for virtual fitness guidance? Get in touch with us at Paru Fitness today to find out how virtual fitness training can help you reach your goals. Whether you're looking for virtual personal training or virtual group classes, our certified personal trainer is eager to help you become fit and achieve better overall wellness! Schedule a quick consultation now by calling 725-777-9816 or through our contact form.