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What to Expect from Senior Fitness Classes
May 2, 2022 at 5:00 AM
Two Dumbbells and exercise mattress on the floor

No matter your age, a consistent exercise routine is beneficial for your health — both physical, and mental. What’s more, exercise has been found to lower stress and keep our memory strong. But if you aren’t sure where to begin with fitness or know what exercises would be best for you, starting out can feel so intimidating that it keeps us from beginning the process at all.

A great alternative to exercising by yourself and starting an exercise journey alone is to join senior fitness classes. And, so you understand what exactly you can expect from one, Paru Fitness has created this guide.

A Supportive, Fun Environment

Senior fitness classes happen in supportive, group environments. Whether you’re just starting your exercise journey and learning new techniques, or you have some prior experience, senior exercise classes are all about being supportive of one another, learning from each other, and encouraging you to stick with your goals.

Fitness classes are also a lot of fun. Naturally, you’ll meet new people or take a class with someone you know. The social aspect makes the experience more enjoyable and keeps everyone accountable for their goals.

And, while a consistent exercise routine that you complete by yourself is great for your health, a group setting provides you with an extra level of motivation and accountability. Starting new habits or routines can still be challenging — even if you’ve done it once or twice before — so a group fitness class acts as an external motivator to give you that extra support you need to follow through. And will help you continue showing up for your goals. Especially in the beginning!

You Don’t Have to Learn Alone

The one obstacle that keeps most people from pursuing their fitness goals is that they simply don’t know where to begin. There’s a lot of information, resources, and coaching services out there. So how do you know where to start? A fitness class provides structure and helps create a clear path to follow. That way, you don’t feel overwhelmed in the beginning and can keep your focus on your goals.

A fitness coach, as well as the people in your class, are all individuals you can learn from!

Best Exercises for You

If you aren’t sure where you start, how do you know what’s best for you to focus on? Senior fitness classes take the guesswork out of knowing if your routine is actually helping you make progress, and keeps you moving in the right direction. In addition, a fitness instructor will teach you the best way to perform an exercise depending on if you’ve experienced an injury or have limited mobility.

While watching yourself in a mirror or learning from an instructional video can be helpful to know if your posture and technique are right, direct guidance from an experienced instructor is even better!


Of course, what’s the point of taking up a new fitness routine if you aren’t seeing the results you want? The way senior fitness classes are structured helps ensure that you reach the results you’re striving for. So long as you keep showing up!

Over time, you’ll likely feel more energized in your day as well as feel more flexible and confident. While everyone might progress at different paces, a fitness class provides you with a positive addition to your routine that leads to positive, long-term health benefits.

Paru Fitness: Personal Training and Fitness Classes for Your Success

If you’re ready to take your exercise journey to its next stage by joining supportive senior fitness classes, contact us today for a consultation. At Paru Fitness, your success is our priority.