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Why keeping up with new fitness routines is important
September 12, 2023 at 1:00 AM
Image of a group fitness class in Las Vegas, NV.

Starting a new fitness routine is easy. The real challenge is keeping up your motivation and consistency over time. When you hit plateaus or feel your enthusiasm waning, it can be challenging to keep pushing yourself.

A personal fitness trainer in Las Vegas can help you stay on track with your fitness goals. They provide tailored programming, accountability, and expertise to help you progress.

Build Strength and Muscle Mass

Starting and sticking to a strength training program allows you to build lean muscle mass and avoid age-related muscle loss. But seeing results requires continually challenging your muscles with progressive overload by increasing:

  • Weight
  • Reps
  • Intensity

A personal trainer designs programs with built-in progression so you can systematically build strength. They also teach proper form to avoid injury.

Stronger muscles also support joint health and reduce injury risk by stabilizing connective tissues. Only consistency in strength training delivers these benefits over the long run.

Boost Cardiovascular Health

Aerobic exercise is vital for heart health, but variety is critical to maintaining progress. A personal trainer will mix up your cardio with:

  • Intervals
  • Resistance
  • Speedwork

Frequently changing cardio routines challenges your cardiovascular system to prevent plateaus and increase the maximum amount of oxygen your body can use during intense exercise (VO2 max). Higher VO2 max means your heart, lungs, and muscles work more efficiently together.

Keeping your heart strong and lungs fit has positive effects throughout your body, including improved circulation to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol while boosting energy levels.

Support Mental Health

Exercise is well-proven to reduce anxiety and depression. However, only ongoing physical activity can provide these mental health benefits. A personal trainer provides accountability and motivation to keep you exercising even when you don't feel like it.

Your trainer also helps you to appreciate your body's abilities versus its appearance, promoting a healthy self-image. With a trainer's support, you'll continue exercising to boost your physical and mental health.

Promote Weight Loss and Maintenance

Exercise and nutrition work hand-in-hand for weight management. A lack of activity can stall progress even with a solid diet plan. Plateaus are frustrating and often derail people entirely. A personal trainer can ignite fat-burning and help you overcome frustrating plateaus by adding:

  • Exercise variety
  • Accountability
  • Training expertise

Your metabolism adapts to regular exercise, allowing you to burn more calories day-to-day to make maintaining weight loss much easier over the long term. A trainer will adjust your programming to keep your body responding and the pounds dropping off for good.

Improve Functional Mobility and Balance

You need to challenge your balance and agility to avoid a loss of functional movement as you age. A personal trainer incorporates exercises to enhance elements crucial for mobility, such as:

  • Coordination
  • Proprioception
  • Flexibility

Trainers progress their clients from basic stability drills to dynamic activities to keep these abilities improving.

Better balance and agility provide benefits, such as reduced risk of falls, improved posture, and overall independence. Maintaining joint flexibility and range of motion also prevents injury and allows you to remain active as you age. A trainer ensures you exercise the right ways to preserve functional mobility for life.

Paru Fitness in Las Vegas, NV, helps clients maintain new fitness routines.

Maintaining your fitness routine over the long haul requires dedication, expert support, and continual progression. Paru Fitness in Las Vegas works with clients nationwide to help them achieve their peak physical potential.

Experienced coaching and personalized programming will help you overcome plateaus, hold you accountable, and provide the drive needed to keep your fitness journey on track. Schedule a free consultation or start a training trial today.