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Why your home is the best gym in Las Vegas
January 10, 2022 at 7:00 AM
Why your home is the best gym in Las Vegas

Getting into a workout routine is difficult. Sometimes forcing yourself to get to the gym helps get things started, but it’s often easier to stay home rather than make the drive. At Paru Fitness, we believe that you can turn your home into one of the best gyms in Las Vegas with a virtual personal trainer. You have everything you need to have successful workouts in the comfort of your home. In fact, we have six reasons your home is better than paying for an expensive gym membership.

No drive time

Depending on where your gym is located, you might be matching the length of time you spend in the car with your gym time. Drive time is a common factor that keeps people from going to the gym because it often cuts into so much of their available time.

Drive time is completely eliminated when you work from home. Not only will you shave 15 to 30 minutes off your workout time, but you’ll also be more comfortable on those days where the weather is less than ideal for driving.

Always open

It’s not uncommon for gyms to operate 24 hours a day, but not all do. Regardless of what the gyms in your area are doing, your gym is always open. So, if you’re having a hard time going back to sleep at 4 am or want to work out after a late shift at work, go ahead and get your exercise in for the day because you don’t have to worry about anyone else’s schedule.

Don’t share equipment

One of the biggest bummers about going to a gym is that you have to share equipment. For instance, you might be at the end of your workout, and there’s somebody on the machine you need or lifting your dumbbells. You then have to wait until they’re finished and make sure they clean it off before you use it. In worst-case scenarios, you have to settle for using less weight if you need to get going.

At home, your equipment is always available. There’s never any sharing, you know it’s clean, and you get the weight you need when you need it without worrying about sharing with someone else.

No dress code

It’s important to wear what’s comfortable when you’re working out. Some gyms will limit what you can and can’t wear based on preferences. It’s not unusual for men or women to want to shed a layer during a particularly tough workout. When you work out at home, you can dress however you please. However you feel most comfortable exercising in our home should be deemed appropriate.

No audience

It isn’t always pleasant to have someone you don’t really know come over and talk to you while you’re lifting weights. It’s normal to have people you exercise with and want to spend that time around, but most people don’t like an audience when they’re trying to push up that final rep. You don’t have to deal with people watching your form or talking to you between sets at home. Instead, it’s you and your exercise.

No need for child care

Many parents who want to go to the gym find it challenging to get someone to watch their kids. Many gyms offer a child care service for an extra fee. Why should you pay extra for child care at a gym where you already pay a monthly membership? With your house as your gym, there’s never a need for child care or a babysitter.

Reach out for a consultation

You can get a membership to one of the best gyms in Las Vegas by working out at home. Get in touch with us at Paru Fitness to learn more about how you can benefit from exercising at home with a virtual personal trainer instead of paying costly gym memberships. Give us a call at 702-582-7406 or send a message via our contact form.